
Welcome to SmartGroups iphone/ipad app

IOS 6 Users

After installing IOS 6 on your device, and running SmartGroups for the first time, your device will warn you that SmartGroups needs to access your address book and you will have the option to allow or deny. Please remember SmartGroups integrates groups into your address book, and it must have access to do that.

How to setup Tweeter Account on your mobile device

On your mobile device, click on settings, scroll down until you see tweeter, then click on tweeter and enter your tweeter account information.

Unable to add groups

If you are unable to add groups and you get one of these error messages below, please follow the following instructions to fix.

Adding Contacts to a group:

Select a group, click on + button on the contacts view (screen), select one or multiple contacts from the list, and then click the done button.

Green contacts mean contacts can be shared with other applications that support groups.

Red contacts are not shared with other apps.

Sending Emails:

To send an email to a group, click on the message icon from the contacts view and select Email TO, Email CC, or Email BCC. To exclude a contact(s) from the email, simply click the contact and it will be excluded.

Sending Group MMS (Text Messages):

To send a text message to a group, click on the message icon from the contacts view and select “Text group”. Please note, some carriers don’t support group MMS, and some limit the number of recipients when sending text messages. Please check with your carrier when using this feature.


From the groups view, click on the message icon and select tweet to all followers.

Post messages on Facebook:

To post a message on Facebook, click on the message icon from the groups view and select Post on Facebook. If you are having problems with posting messages to Facebook or unable to log on, please follow these instructions:

  1. Log out of Facebook from SmartGroups app.
  2. If you have Facebook mobile app installed, open it and log out of Facebook. If you don’t have Facebook installed on your mobile device, open Safari, go to If you are logged on, please log out.
  3. Double tab on the home button of your device. You should get a screen in the bottom of your device showing the running apps (see below).
  4. Click and hold an app (icon) until you see minus sign (-) in red color. If you don’t see (-) sign, please repeat steps 3 and 4. WARING: IF YOU SEE (x) SIGN, THIS MEANS YOU DID NOT DO STEP3 CORRECTLY. PLEASE DON’T CLICK THE (x), THIS WILL DELETE APPS FROM YOUR DEVICE. INSTEAD, CLICK ON THE HOME BUTTON ONE MORE TIME, AND THE (x) SHOULD GO AWAY, AND THEN REPEAT STEP 3.
  5. Click on minus sign by SmartGroups, Safari, and Facebook apps (This will terminate these apps). If any of these apps is not on the list, don’t worry about it.
  6. Turn off your device by clicking and holding the power button for few seconds. You will get a message says “slide to power off”, slide and power off your device. This will take few seconds depending on your device
  7. Turn on your device by holding the power button again for few seconds until you see the apple logo.
  8. When your device is ready, start SmartGroups app, and click on “Post on Facebook”.
  9. If this does not fix your problems, please repeat these steps one more time.
  10. If you still having problems, please email me at